Blog Post 4 Ways to Combat Landlord Burnout

4 Ways to Combat Landlord Burnout

It’s no secret that being a landlord is stressful. There is always something that needs attention. Whether it’s a maintenance request, showing a property, completing a unit upgrade, or getting through mountains of paperwork; the job is never really done.That’s w...
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Blog Post 5 Tips for Avoiding Those Late Paying Renters

5 Tips for Avoiding Those Late Paying Renters

The first of the month means one thing for landlords – rent is due. But, dealing with the collection of it can be hard. Owners often struggle with missed payments, administrative errors, late fees, and more. All resulting in lost profits.Given how important rent collection ...
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Blog Post 4 Rental Property Investment Trends to Know in 2022

4 Rental Property Investment Trends to Know in 2022

There are a lot of exciting things happening with rental properties. From suburban booms to smart home technology, high customer service expectations, and more; real estate has seen some interesting trends take hold. That’s why we’ve outlined the top four rental ...
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Blog Post Are You Still Taking Cheques? 5 Benefits of Offering Digital Rent Payment Options

Are You Still Taking Cheques? 5 Benefits of Offering Digital Rent Payment Options

Keeping track of applications, documents, payments, and late fees can be hard. But, it doesn’t need to be! With easy-to-use software, you can forget the days of cash and cheque.Since we’ve seen firsthand how beneficial digital rent payments can be, we’ve ou...
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Blog Post 5 Events & Festivals Indianapolis Renters Will Love

5 Events & Festivals Indianapolis Renters Will Love

Football, festivals, concerts, fairs and so much more; there’s always something happening in Indianapolis. And if you’re a landlord, you better be letting your renters know! That’s because promoting the area can attract new tenants while informing current r...
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Blog Post 3 Signs You Might Need A Better Tenant Pre-Screening Process

3 Signs You Might Need A Better Tenant Pre-Screening Process

As a landlord, it’s your responsibility to screen every potential tenant that comes your way. That’s because improper screenings can lead to disasters in the future. Things like unpaid bills, property damage, arguments, noise complaints, evictions and so much more; no...
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Blog Post 5 Tips for Handling After-Hour Maintenance Calls from Your Indianapolis Tenants

5 Tips for Handling After-Hour Maintenance Calls from Your Indianapolis Tenants

Being a landlord is not a typical nine-to-five job. Maintenance requests and emergency calls can come at any hour of the day.That’s why it’s important to have a plan to deal with them. We’ve compiled a list of five top tips for handling after-hours calls fr...
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Blog Post The Pet Predicament: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Accepting Pet-Owning Tenants

The Pet Predicament: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Accepting Pet-Owning Tenants

If you’re like most landlords, current headlines have you wondering how you can attract tenants you can count on to pay their rent on time. Increasing your pool of prospective tenants is one way to find renters with the job history, credit score, and references you prefer.I...
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Blog Post What to Look for When Buying Additional Rental Properties

What to Look for When Buying Additional Rental Properties

When done right, buying an additional rental property can be a smart financial decision. From the added income, tax breaks, and equity gains; additional properties seem like a no-brainer decision for many. But, a big return is not guaranteed. That’s why it’s impo...
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Blog Post Safety Matters: 10 Rental Property Safety Improvements

Safety Matters: 10 Rental Property Safety Improvements

Frequent chores such as rent collection and tenant screening top the list of concerns of rental property owners. All too often rental property owners don’t think about the most crucial aspects of rental property ownership—safety improvements and landlord liability iss...
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