If we are unable to lease your home in 21 days or less we will give you the first month of management for free!
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If a tenant we placed must be evicted from a rental property that we manage, we will pay the cost of court and legal fees for the eviction.
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We guarantee that your owner's payment will arrive in your bank account within 10 business days or our services for that month are free.
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For no extra charge to owners, we guarantee your home will not be damaged by any approved pet.
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If for any reason you are not completely happy with our services and want to leave us, you can cancel your management agreement without penalty at any time.
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We don’t get paid until you get paid. With PMI you will have peace of mind, knowing that we are working hard for you and you will not need to pay us until you get results.
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If a tenant that we placed does not fulfill at least 9 months of a lease term, we will find a new tenant for your property at no cost to you.
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